Back where I come from in my little house on the prairie I had never seen a weigh station or even a weigh station road sign along the freeway.  The first time I saw such a sign after leaving the prairie I was naturally inquisitive regarding the contents of a weigh station.  What possibly confused my understanding even further was the fact that it seemed to be located very close to the state border.

Naturally the conclusion I came to regarding the use of a road side weigh station located so close to the state border was that the weigh stations had been set up to prevent overweight people entering the state of California.  It seemed like such a logical solution to keeping a state fit and healthy, just keep all the fat people out.  You weigh them at the border and if they exceed a certain weight, or maybe they even use the Body Mass Index (“BMI”)number to determine the cut-off point.  After thinking for a while what a wonderful idea this was it then occurred to me, what if you live in California and you left for a business trip, maybe a Twinkies sales conference in Las Vegas, would you be able to get back into California if you exceeded the acceptable BMI. So not only did it keep larger than life inhabitants of the planet out of the state, but it also prevented them coming back if they grew larger than life while living in California…brilliant.

Alas it turns out that is not what these signs were intended for at all. Oh well, maybe one day my idea will be put into practice.