Finally my last day in Malaysia. Went for my last run and dip in the pool. So relaxing to go for a nice early morning run in the park with the cars whizzing by just the other side of the bushes. Finishing your run with your head feeling like a rocket is about to explode in your head and more water is coming out of your body than a bore hole in the Sahara desert. 

And then you get to dip your toes and slowly slide your body into the almost cool blue water of the swimming pool. For a moment it is refreshing until you realise it only seems that way because your body is hotter than a Victoria Secret model, the nice ones not the super skinny “I haven’t eaten in a week” ones.  You swim up to the edge of the pool and rest your weary arms (they grow tired from all the mosquito swatting while running through the park) on the shelf to the end of the world. Relaxing and staring out down into the valley, over the lake and out across to the hills, the high-rise apartment blocks and the traffic jams below, pumping freshly squeezed greenhouse gas into the air.

There is no one around at the pool as the sun slowly edges up behind the mosque avoiding the pork and winking at the moon as it sends it packing until tonight. All you hear is the chirping of the birds, the gurgling of the fountains and the whirl of a 1000 air conditioning units.  Peace, tranquility and the overwhelming desire to get the hell out of here and go home to my life.